International Storytelling Workshop 2025

Poster Design: Nipun Bajracharya
Call for Application!!
We’re excited to announce the upcoming International Storytelling Workshop 2025, for photography and photojournalism students/professionals. This exchange program is organized in collaboration with the Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway, and Pathshala South Asian Media Academy, Bangladesh.
This workshop is an opportunity for Nepali photographers/photojournalists. It opens up a unique space for one to learn and practice as a professional under a valued mentorship. The program consists of a pre-course, a start-up workshop, fieldwork, and an editing workshop. Participants are expected to commit FULL-TIME and should expect to produce an in-depth photo project after the workshop.
All 8 selected Nepali photographers joining the program will be receiving a grant that will help them with their overall expenses during the entire period of the workshop.
Classes will be held in person. Selected 8 Nepali participants will work alongside fellow students and mentors from Norway and Bangladesh in Nepal.
- Fri, Jan 10: Application deadline
- Wed, Jan 15: Announcement of the selected participants
- Mon-Fri, Jan 20-24: Pre-Course
- Mon – Fri, Feb 10 – 14: Start-up workshop
- Feb 15 – Mar 14: Fieldwork
- Mar 15: Back in the city + preparation for editing workshop.
- Sun – Fri, Mar 16 – 21: Editing Workshop
- March 22: Wrap up!
- The classes will be held in person.
- Venue: Yala Maya Kendra, Patan Dhoka
- Total duration of the Workshop: 45 Days
- Total number of Nepali participants: 8
- This program is tuition free.
- Rs. 1,25,000 project development grant for selected 8 participants to produce an in-depth photo story during this program.
- Develop visual storytelling and reportage skills for exhibitions, print media, the internet, and other media.
- Learn about ways to do research, and methods of fieldwork.
- Learn how to reflect, analyze, and edit one’s own and other’s work.
The workshop will include lectures, individual assignments, group work, group reviews, independent study, fieldwork, and editing.
PRE-COURSE: The 4 days pre-course in Kathmandu will include lectures and discussions about developing story ideas and working methodologies. Participants will begin researching their story ideas and establishing contacts. At the completion of the pre-course, participants will be required to submit their story ideas and work plan. Dates: TBD
MAIN WORKSHOP: This will be an intensive 5-day workshop, where participants will get a thorough introduction to visual storytelling, discuss different styles, and work on a photo-story. All 8 Nepalis will be staying in a shared accommodation provided by in a local guest house located in Patan. The time of the workshop will be decided soon. However, please note that this is a full time residential workshop.
FIELDWORK: The 30 day fieldwork period is when the participants will continue the production of their main project. Participants are encouraged to travel to different parts of Nepal keeping in mind health and safety measures. Students will have received a production grant their field work.
EDITING WORKSHOP: The editing workshop consists of group and individual sessions where participants will edit their final story. All 8 Nepalis will be staying in a shared accommodation provided by in a local guest house located in Patan. The time of the workshop will be decided soon. Please note that this is a full time residential workshop.
After the completion of the editing workshop, participants will have to submit their completed projects to before 15 April, along with a written method report.
All participants will retain copyrights to their work.
Note: Applicants for this exchange program have to be Nepali citizens.
Email the below-mentioned files as an attachment to in a compressed folder (folder size not more than 20 MB).
– A letter of motivation, telling us about yourself, reasons for wanting to participate in this program. (max 300 words)
– An updated CV
– A portfolio of 15-20 images that demonstrates your storytelling abilities (ideally a previously made photo series/photo story). Files should be 1000px on the longest side, 72 dpi, named as LASTNAME_01.jpg.
Application deadline – Jan 10, 2025.
For questions/concerns/confusions regarding the program, tuition fees, production grant/exhibition grant, and the overall application procedures, please do not hesitate to contact:
Sagar Chhetri, Program Coordinator /