(c) Tripty Pakhrin proudly invites you to attend our next showcase at HQ, this Friday evening. The showcase will feature works made by 6 promising Nepali photographers during 2 international programs along with 22 photographers/artists from around Asia.
Angkor Hangover is a series of photography events to be held in various cities across Asia as a way to introduce photography communities to bodies of work created during the Angkor Photo Festival in Cambodia every year. In December 2017, Uma Bista, Bunu Dhungana and Mahendra Khadka went to Siem Reap, Cambodia to participate in the Angkor Photography Workshop.
For more details on Angkor Photography Festival and its prestigious workshop, please visit the website:
Applications for the workshop to be held in December 2018 are now open:
We’ll be showing the work of
* Nida Mehboob, Pakistan * Uma Bista, Nepal * Ha Dao, Vietnam * Eleonore Sok, Cambodia * Chakrit Leelachupong, Thailand * Bunu Dhungana, Nepal * Shwe Wutt Hmon, Myanmar * Mansi Pal, India * Kowshik Vasudevan, India * Dianne Rosario, Philippines * Dat Vu, Vietnam * Yanan Li, China * Mahendra Khadka, Nepal * Marissa Chen, Singapore * Hasnoor Hussain, Malaysia * Yoshi Okamoto, Japan * Serey Siv, Cambodia * Yue Wu, China * Hải Nguyễn Ngọc, Vietnam * Joe Poul Cyriac, India
In Feb-March 2018 Tripty Pakhrin, Bunu Dhungana, Prajwal Bhattarai and Chemi Dorje Lama went to Kunming, China to participate in a two month-long exchange program on documentary photography, along with photographers from Norway, Bangladesh and China.
Friday 15 June 2018
4pm – 5:45pm HQ, Arun Thapa Chhowk, Jhamsikhel
For more details, kindly call Sagar: 9808380219