Dateline Jhapa – II by Parwat Portel

Photo: Parwat Portel/

DATELINE JHAPA: “I am confined at home and I am eight months pregnant. I am due any day now. When there was a lockdown, I used to sneak out and go for walks, but now neighbourhoods are being sealed because of community transmission. I live in Dhulabari, and there are no hospitals here. My doctor is 40 KM away. I can’t take public transportation and I can’t risk going so far on my husband’s motorbike. I am scared to go to the hospital. What if I am infected? I have sleepless nights. In times like these, I miss my mother. She was visiting Denmark when the pandemic broke and has been stuck there.”
Sadhana Dahal Shivakoti, 25

The number of reported coronavirus cases reached 430 in Jhapa, with 100 cases in Mechinagar alone this weekend. The local government imposed a second round of lockdowns in Mechinagar until 19 August. Other towns in Jhapa including Birtamod, Dhulabari and Arjundhara are also under prohibitory orders. There is one isolation centre with 22 beds in Jhapa, which is up to capacity.

Text and Photos:Parwat Portel @photo.kvt7

Edit: Mallika Aryal @mikaness

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