Bajura Flood by Kishor Maharjan

Photo: Kishor Maharjan/

BAJURA FLOOD: It had been raining continuously for two days in Badimalika, Bajura. On 10 August 1 AM the Budiganga River, which separates the Ghagar and Rapka villages swelled and within 20 minutes, 17 houses, livestock, and large farming fields were swept away. After the flood, the land started slipping and the landslide left further destruction.

Krishna Nath, a farmer and a carpenter from Ghagar lost his land and five oxen. “Everything was swept away, I have lost my entire life,” he says. When the river started swelling up, women, elderly, and children moved to higher ground. Krishna and other villagers made sure they were also in a safe place. His two nephews were not with him, but luckily they climbed a tree and survived the flood. However, his neighbor, 55-year-old Aaushidevi Mahat is still missing. The land is still vulnerable to more floods and the villagers fear for their lives. They want the government to take action now and resettle them somewhere safe. “This tragedy is so big, we cannot even think about the coronavirus pandemic right now,” they say.

Photos and Text: Kishor Maharjan @kishor.maharjan
Edit: Mallika Aryal @mikaness

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