International Storytelling Workshop 2018

Photo by Liu Hao
We’re pleased to announce an exciting International Storytelling Workshop in Kunming, China for advanced photography and photojournalism students. Working photographers/photojournalists in early stages of their career (less than 5 years professional experience) are also welcome to apply. This workshop is organised in collaboration with the Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway and Pathshala South Asian Media Academy, Bangladesh.
This workshop is a rare opportunity for young Nepali photographers and photojournalists who want to begin to work internationally. The workshop will consist of a pre-course in Kathmandu, two intensive workshops in China, and fieldwork in China. Participants will be expected to commit full-time and should expect to produce an in-depth photo project at the completion of the workshop. Participants will be working alongside others from Norway, Bangladesh and China.
Dec 15: Application deadline
Dec 20: Announcement of selection
Dec 28: Final confirmation
Jan 18 – 21: Pre Course in Kathmandu for selected participants
Feb 7: Departure for Kunming, China
Feb 9 – 13: Workshop in Kunming, China
Feb 14 – Mar 15: Fieldwork in China
Mar 19 – 23: Editing Workshop in Kunming, China
Mar 24: Return to Kathmandu
Participants selected for this workshop will be provided with
- A two-way ticket KTM-Kunming-KTM
- A daily stipend that will cover all local accommodation, meals and local transport for the entire duration of the workshop in China (total 46 days).
- Participants will be required to own their own DSLR cameras, laptops and all other necessary equipment including insurance.
- Participants will be required to bear their own subsidiary expenses eg; translators, extra travel, etc.
- Participants should be able to communicate fluently in English.
- Participants should hold a valid Nepali passport.
- Develop storytelling and reportage skills for newspaper, magazine, internet and other media.
- Learn how to work as a photographer/photojournalist in a foreign setting.
- Learn about a new culture, religion, history, globalization, development theory and methods of fieldwork.
- Learn how to reflect, analyze and edit one’s own and other’s work.
Workshop will include lectures, individual assignments, group work, group reviews, independent study, fieldwork and editing.
PRE-COURSE: The pre course in Kathmandu will include lectures and discussions about developing story ideas and working methodologies, an introduction to working in a foreign country and a cultural orientation of the foreign country, culture, etc. Participants will begin researching their story ideas and establishing contacts. At the completion of the pre course, participants will be required to submit their story ideas and work plan in English.
WORKSHOP: The workshop will be an intensive five-day exercise where participants will get a thorough introduction to storytelling, discuss different styles and shoot a variety of assignments. The workshop will take place in Kunming, China along with Norwegian and Bangladeshi participants. The tutor for this workshop will be the Beijing based German photographer Katharina Hesse.
FIELDWORK: The fieldwork period is when the participants will shoot and produce their stories independently. Participants can either stay in Kunming or travel to different parts of China.
EDITING WORKSHOP: The editing workshop will consist of group and individual sessions where participants will edit their final story. This workshop will take place in Kunming, China. Workshop tutor/s: TBA.
At the completion of this fantastic experience, participants will have to submit their completed projects to, along with a written report. Participants will retain copyrights to their work. and project partners may publish/exhibit/share works produced.
Submit the following by 15 Dec 2017
- Application form
- Updated CV
- A portfolio of 15-20 images that demonstrates your storytelling abilities (single images will not be accepted). Files should be 1000px on the longest side, 72 dpi, named as LASTNAME_01.jpg.
Please email your application to
Application deadline 5pm, 15 December 2017.
For further details please contact Sagar (9808380219).